Prediksi puncak tinggi muka air sungai Sunter pada tahun 2009 juga akan terjadi pada bulan Februari.
The peak water level of Sunter River in 2009 will be in February.
Indonesia harus mampu mengembangkan sains dan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan sesuai dengan perkembangannya di tanah air, tanpa teknologi yang boros sumber alam dan energi.
Hal yang penting juga ialah memahami dan menghayati filsafat sains untuk bisa menyatakan kebenaran ilmiah dan bisa membedakannya dengan "kebenaran" yang diperoleh dengan cara lain.
The Houw Liong
Data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has indicated a dramatic increase in sea ice extent in the Arctic regions. The growth over the past year covers an area of 700,000 square kilometers: an amount twice the size the nation of Germany.
With the Arctic melting season over for 2008, ice cover will continue to increase until melting begins anew next spring.
The data is for August 2008 and indicates a total sea ice area of six million square kilometers. Ice extent for the same month in 2007 covered 5.3 million square kilometers, a historic low. Earlier this year, media accounts were rife with predictions that this year would again see a new record. Instead, the Arctic has seen a gain of about thirteen percent.
William Chapman, a researcher with the Arctic Climate Research Center at the University of Illinois, tells DailyTech that this year the Arctic was "definitely colder" than 2007. Chapman also says part of the reason for the large ice loss in 2007 was strong winds from Siberia, which affect both ice formation and drift, forcing ice into warmer waters where it melts.