International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS)
November 29-30, 2006, Bandung-Indonesia
Case Analysis of Relationship between Rainfall Convection and Flood
Phenomena on January 2002 in DKI-Jakarta Area
Rahmat Gernowo 1 ; Bayong Tj. H.K. 2; The Houw Liong 3; Tri Wahyu Hadi 4 ; Ina Juaeni 5
1 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Jl. Prof. Sudarto, Tembalang Semarang.
2,4 Expertise of Atmosphere Science Group, Bandung Institute of Technology
3 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology
5 Faculty of Earth Science and Mineral Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132
*Email: gernowo1@yahoo.com
The dynamics of cloud rain especially in area of Jakarta represent to important matter in seeking of step solution, to prevention of floods especially in Jakarta. The research of convection pattern above area of DKI-Jakarta based on to existing perception data, especially high resolution satellite image which is expected will give the understanding of growth of convection cloud yield torrential rains and deliver floods in DKI-Jakarta.The result of research into whereas in this research is obtained by the study of extreme rainfall in DKI-Jakarta. As rainfall data result of average from some stations is residing in DKI-Jakarta.
The rainfall data taken end 2001- early 2002 year, where happened the floods with pond more than 10 day source data of Kimpraswil-Cilsi. The result of research is obtained by analysis whereas, that cloud dynamics in DKI-Jakarta caused by local atmospheric circulation’s factor.
Keywords : Flood, cloud dynamics and satellite image.
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